The perfect start to the day
According to Ayurveda, breakfast should be light and warm, as it falls in the Kapha phase (6-10 am), the metabolism is just starting to work and the digestive fire Agni is still weak. An Ayurvedic breakfast porridge is delicious, light and easily digestible – the perfect start to the day!
Ayurvedic Porridge
Ingredients (for 2 persons)
- 100 g oat, spelt or barley flakes, millet or similar
- Handful of nuts or seeds (e.g. almonds, walnuts, pine nuts or pistachios)
- Handful of currants
- ginger, optional
- 1 tbsp Ghee or vegan alternative
- 1 apple, diced
- 1 stick of cinnamon
- ¼ tsp green cardamom
- Almond, oat or rice milk, optional
- ½ vanilla pod
- Agave nectar or cane sugar to taste
Heat the Ghee in a small pan and roast the nuts, ginger and currants in it. Then add the grain. Swirl in the pan and pour in enough water/milk so that the liquid is about 1 cm above the porridge. Now lower the temperature. Add the diced apple, cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla pod, and steam until soft. Finally, sweeten with agave nectar or cane sugar to taste.
Ayurveda recommends not eating cereals with raw fruit, as the fructose can trigger fermentation processes with the starch components of the cereal, leading to flatulence and bloating. A fruit compote is therefore more suitable:
Light or dark grape compote
Ingredients for light compote
- 300 g white seedless grapes
- 100 ml grape juice
- 50 g jam sugar
- 1 vanilla pod
Ingredients for dark compote
- 300 g blue seedless grapes
- 100 ml red grape juice
- 50 g jam sugar
- 1 cinnamon stick
- ground cloves, to taste
Wash the grapes and cut in half. Place the grape halves, juice, spices and jam sugar in a pan and boil for approx. 5 mins. Stir occasionally. Eat the compote warm with the porridge or pour into preserving jars, seal and leave to cool in the fridge.
We wish you a healthy start to your day!
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