3 Modern Saunas for Relaxation and Detox, Perfectly aligned with Ayurvedic Principles

Sauna Area LOUNGE Infrared Sauna | Ayurveda Parkschlösschen Health Blog

Heat has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for thousands of years to remove metabolic resides from the body and stimulate circulation. As of now you can round off your Ayurveda programme with a blissful sauna experience, tailored to your Dosha constitution.

Discover our newly refurbished sauna area, complete with three state-of-the-art saunas from the Austrian company Devine:

Bio Sauna

In our Bio Sauna with mild temperatures up to a maximum of 60 degrees and high humidity, the body is gently warmed without causing overstimulation. This has a balancing effect on the Vata Dosha. The Vata Dosha, characterised by mobility, dryness and coldness, can lead to symptoms such as nervousness, dry skin and an irregular circulatory system if it is imbalanced. Our Bio Sauna helps to relieve inner coldness and dryness and promotes a feeling of stability and calm.

Infrared Sauna with salt stones

In line with Ayurvedic teachings, our Infrared Sauna with its salt stone wall offers a particularly gentle and deeply effective method of harmonising the Pitta Dosha. If the Pitta Dosha is out of balance, it can lead to overheating, irritability and inflammation. Thanks to the gentle but intense heat, our Infrared Sauna acts directly on the deeper skin tissue layers and helps to relieve inflammation and restore inner calm without further aggravating the Pitta Dosha.

Finnish Sauna

The intense heat and dry air of the Finnish Sauna are particularly effective in balancing the Kapha Dosha. In Ayurvedic philosophy, Kapha Dosha stands for the elements earth and water, which are associated with heaviness, inertia and blockages. The higher temperatures activate the metabolism and reduce the heavy qualities of the Kapha Dosha. The energy channels are cleansed and blockages in the body are released, leaving you feeling light and energised.

Immerse yourself in a modern sauna experience at the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen

Saunas offer a wide range of health benefits, particularly for the cardiovascular system, stress management and the immune system. Studies confirm that taking saunas regularly not only improve quality of life, but can also help prevent a number of illnesses.

As of now, you can enjoy a modern sauna experience with Dosha-specific infusions in the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen, which can be perfectly integrated into your Ayurveda programme. Information on all our Panchakarma and detox programmes, as well as our short breaks, can be found in our brochure >>



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