Mini-Homa for mindful reflection at the end of the year

Fire ceremony for mindful moments

Fire burns wood to ashes creating space for new things. This powerful transforming power of fire has always been used ritually in Ayurveda as well as in many other cultures. In India, fire rituals, so-called “Homas”, are celebrated in various life situations in order to literally “burn off” stressful influences and to ask for protection and positive energy.

In a traditional Homa ritual, offerings are made over a blessed fire, accompanied by mantras. Inspired by this, you can also carry out the following mini-ceremony at home to close the year and look positively into the future.

Here’s how:

You will need a string of incense and a small fire-proof bowl. Recommended scents are listed below. Optionally, you may light incense or simply a candle.

Caution: Please regard fire safety, never leave a naked flame unattended.

Take a moment to become peaceful and reflect. Place the incense cord in the bowl to burn and light the cord at one end. Focus and consciously inhale the aroma. Close your eyes and leave yesterday behind.

Prompts that may help with self-reflexion:

  1. What expectations do I have that may be too high or difficult to achieve?
  2. In which situations do I feel guilt or place blame on others? How can I navigate these moments in a way that brings relief, while still honoring the importance of fairness and justice?
  3. What limiting thoughts might prevent me from realising my full potential (e.g. “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t do this”)?

With each exhale, release the stress of the year. Enjoy the moment and look forward to tomorrow.

You are also welcome to listen to meditative music or mantras.

Recommended fragrances:

Indian nard: very calming and relaxing for the mind, balancing.
Natural camphor resin: cleansing, promotes concentration.
Sage resin: belongs to the Ayurvedic Rasayanas, relaxing and aphrodisiac.
White sandalwood: cleansing, soothes thoughts and feelings, spreads a general sense of wellbeing.
Wild hyacinth: sweet, pleasant scent, calming and relaxing.
Cinnamon: mellow and harmonizing.

Filed under Basics, Lifestyle

After working in marketing for many years, Kira Hündgen discovered her passion for holistic health and decided to train as an Ayurvedic massage therapist in 2014. This was followed by training as a healing practitioner in 2016 and successfully completing a 5-year M.Sc. degree in Ayurveda Medicine in the United Kingdom. She has also received training in Ayurveda & Pregnancy, as well as Gynaecology. Since 2023, Kira Hündgen has been supporting the team at the Parkschlösschen as an Ayurveda practitioner.

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