Amla (Sanskrit: Amalaki)
The Amla fruit is one of the cornerstones of Ayurvedic health care and is the queen of prevention. It harmonises all three Doshas (regulatory energies) and is one of the nine foods recommended for daily consumption by Ayurvedic health teachings.
According to Ayurveda, illnesses occur when our food is insufficiently digested. A weak Agni (digestive force) promotes the formation of Ama (metabolic wastes), which in turn, inhibits the healthy functions/metabolsim of the cells, tissues and organs; normal physical and mental functions are disrupted, thus resulting in illness. The aim of the Ayurvedic life-philosophy is, by leading a healthy lifestyle and by eating a balanced diet, to prevent illnesses occurring. Amla is known as “the fruit of eternal youth and beauty”. It is the most significant Rasayana (Ayurvedic superfood and rejuvenation agent) in Ayurveda, supporting the immune system, strengthening body tissues and cleansing the bowels. Amla has the highest natural Vitamin C level at 300 mg per fruit. Many of today’s modern scientific studies confirm the fundamental nutritional significance of this fruit.
You can find various Amla products in our Shop: Amalaki Drink Powder, Amalaki Candy, Amla jam “Chyavanprash”, Candied Amalaki, Amalaki Churna (powder), Amalaki tablets.
Chyavanprash, a jam containing Amla and medicinal herbs, has been used for centuries for its strong boosting and energizing effect on the immune system. The Ghee (clarified butter), Sharkara (natural unrefined sugar from the sugar cane) and honey in Chyavanprash act as carriers and preservatives for the ingredients and further promote penetration at the deepest cellular level.
Taking 1-2 teaspoons of this tasty sweet, tangy jam daily is an excellent way to support good health and vitality within the body and mind. Simply take it straight from the spoon or combine with warm water, milk, rice or soya milk to make a delicious drink.