Agni – the digestive fire

Das Verdauungsfeuer Agni im Rhythmus der Jahreszeiten | Ayurveda Parkschlösschen Health Blog

In addition to nutrition suited to a specific Dosha, taking the individual digestive power (Agni) into consideration also plays a decisive role in maintaining strength, health and vitality.

If the Agni is too weak and if the metabolism is disturbed, then a build-up of metabolic wastes and acidosis result. Metabolic wastes (Ama) deposit themselves in the body and can trigger various illnesses. It is the goal of the Ayurvedic nutrition therapy, therefore, to strengthen and support the digestive fire. This happens, for example, by adding specific spices such as ginger, coriander or cumin and by choosing foods suitable to the individual Dosha.

The body should also be cleansed by getting rid of Ama which has already collected and by preventing the formation of new wastes. This process can be supported by drinking hot water regularly. Also, an occasional “liquid” day helps, during which liquids replace solid foods. The common goal of both measures is a strong and healthy Agni.

The optimal processing and transformation of the food that has been eaten into healthy and strong body tissue can only be guaranteed if the digestive fire is strong enough. If the food is completely metabolized, a subtle end product called Ojas – the essence of life, is produced. Ojas gives radiance and youth, improves the power of concentration and positive thinking and strengthens the immune system.

In order to keep the body, mind and soul healthy and happy and to prevent illness, the following should generally apply:

  • regular meal times, main meal at noon (strongest digestive power)
  • warm meals (can be digested easier and stimulate Agni)
  • Meals suited to your specific Dosha (correct foods and spices for optimal support of digestion)
  • Freshly prepared, quality meals (preferably regional, organic and seasonal products)
  • All six tastes in each meal (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, astringent)

Enjoy your meals with all of your senses and take time for your meals. Be aware of your body signals and go with your own “gut feelings”!

Filed under Basics, Nutrition

After studying medicine and doing his doctorate, Dr. Bigus initially continued his training in naturopathy, pain therapy and homeopathy. In 2004 he completed further training as an Ayurveda practitioner and in 2005 he further trained as an Ayurveda therapist, which rounded off his deep medical and therapeutic knowledge. From 2010 until 2021, Dr. Bigus was a part of the Ayurveda medical team of the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen.

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