Regular cleansing and good digestion keep the body young and prevent illness.
According to Ayurveda food is digested with the help of the digestive fire called Agni. If Agni does not work optimally, Ama, a metabolic waste product, can develop, which literally means “undigested”. Ayurveda considers Ama to be one of the most important causes of disease. If detected at an early stage, Ama can be reduced with digestive measures and a light diet.
Ayurveda recommends various cleansing cures, such as the weekly detox day.
Designate one day a week as a liquid day.
On this day, eat only liquid food, such as freshly squeezed fruit juices (not in the evening) and vegetable juices (from carrots and beetroot), soups, herbal teas and hot, boiled water. You should never be hungry!