Spices & Herbs for Kapha Reduction

Over the winter months, Kapha Dosha increases in our organism, mostly due to too heavy and fatty food. From an Ayurveda point of view, to keep the Doshas in balance, spring is the time to reduce Kapha.

If Kapha is not reduced, metabolic waste products (Ama) can develop, which manifest as spring fatigue, lethargy, a runny nose and little appetite.

To reduce Kapha, Ayurveda recommends light and warm meals that should be predominantly spicy, bitter and tart. Avoid sweet, sour and salty foods. Dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and nuts also increase the Kapha Dosha. For Kapha types, “interval fasting” (18:6) is also recommended; skip breakfast, eat your main meal at noon and only a light meal in the evening.

Spices and herbs are excellent for not only refining the taste of your dishes, but also help to reduce Kapha. The following spices should be used or avoided for this purpose:

Kapha reducing:

Ajwan, aniseed, allspice, Asafoetida (hing)
Basil, bay leaf
Cardamom, Cayenne pepper, chilli, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, curcuma, curry leaves
Fenugreek seeds
Garlic, ginger
Marjoram, mint, mustard seeds
Parsley, pepper (in moderation), pippali (long pepper)
Tarragon, thyme

Kapha increasing:

Salt, sugar
Vanilla, vinegar

Filed under Lifestyle, Nutrition

Ms. Kansal completed her 6-year Ayurveda studies in India in 2006. She then worked as a lecturer and until 2007 worked as an Ayurveda doctor in Indian Ayurveda hospitals. In 2008 she came to Germany and completed her training as a healing practitioner in 2016. Ms. Kansal has been working at the Ayurveda Parkschlösschen since 2012. Her intensive Sanskrit and yoga studies give her a deep Ayurvedic knowledge.

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